Alex Gill, Lisa Lomax, Brandon Lomax and Maeve Stone


Created by Lisa Lomax and Brandon Lomax, RWAV is the umbrella initiative of Room with a View presents...The Time Machine. As a place-based project, Irish artists Alex Gill and Maeve Stone of Cracking Light Productions will lead RWAV's first installment in Miltown Malbay, County Clare in August 2024.

  • Lisa Lomax

    Lisa Lomax is an interdisciplinary storyteller who recasts a background in journalism and filmmaking to create speculative narratives with a social undertow. Her work has been featured in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, L.A. Times, The Lancet, and on PBS and NPR. She is the recipient of a Fulbright Award and a Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Journalism Award. She was an inaugural Sundance Artist-in-Residence at MIT Media Lab––an institutional collaboration that experimented with the forms of art, story and science. Lisa holds a master’s degree from Columbia University’s School of Journalism in New York City.

  • Brandon Lomax

    Brandon Lomax is an interdisciplinary artist exploring human/non-human terrestrial relations through the lenses of quantum physics, biomimicry and human experience. His work deconstructs traditional ideas of time, connection and collaboration, examines ecological nuance and imagines speculative futures from multiple perspectives. Brandon has exhibited with galleries, art fairs and institutions in the U.S. and internationally, including Irish Museum of Modern Art, The Bunker in West Palm Beach, FL, The Berkshire Botanic Garden in Stockbridge, MA, and the California Botanic Garden in Claremont, CA. He holds a master’s degree in Art & Ecology from the Burren College of Art in Ballyvaughan, County Clare, Ireland.

RWAV is a recipient of the Creative Climate Action fund, an initiative from the Creative Ireland Programme. It is funded by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media in collaboration with the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications.

The fund supports creative, cultural and artistic projects that build awareness around climate change and empower citizens to make meaningful behavioural transformations.

The Creative Ireland projects:
— Encourage everyone to rethink their lifestyles
— Connect with the biodiversity crisis
— Enable a fair and just transition in making lifestyle changes
— Assist citizens to understand the climate crisis
— Adapt to effects of climate change

Creative Ireland is a five-year programme which connects people, creativity and wellbeing. We are an all-of-government culture and wellbeing programme that inspires and transforms people, places and communities through creativity. We are committed to the vision that every person in Ireland should have the opportunity to realise their full creative potential.

Further information on the Climate Action Fund is available.

Department of Environment, Climate and Communication’s, Climate Action Fund

The Climate Action Fund was established on a statutory basis in 2020 to provide support for projects, initiatives and research that contribute to the achievement of Ireland’s climate and energy targets, and for projects and initiatives in regions of the State, and within sectors of the economy, impacted by the transition to a low carbon economy. The Fund is resourced from from a number of sources, including proceeds from the levy paid to the National Oil Reserves Agency (NORA) in respect of relevant disposals of petroleum products, after the funding requirements of NORA have been met.

Further information on the Climate Action Fund is available.